Twice now a group of friends and I have organized a small photo challenge and contest called TAGTOBER, an offshoot of the casual photo sharing site TAGISU run by myself and good friend Andy Buck. The first contest was during October 2007. The second was during October 2009.

The goal was to take one good photograph every day during the month of October, though there was no penalty for missing a day, other than missed votes. The only real rules were that the photo had to be yours, and it had to be taken, processed, and uploaded to the site on the day in question. We standardized on Central Time for the day cutoffs.

Now that another two years have passed and October is coming up fast, I feel like I should challenge myself again with another TAGTOBER. However, I know that I’m well past the point on the calendar where I’d be able to gather enough interest to run a contest. People need time to prepare for something like this.

So, I won’t try to run a contest this year. But I will try to carry on the tradition. Starting Saturday I’m challenging myself to do it again.

Stay tuned.

Favorite from 2007 Favorite from 2009

Posted on 30 September 2011