- On bike
- Water bottles (2)
- Patch kit
- Tire levers
- Spare tubes (2)
- Multitool
- Pump
- Snacks
- GPS: eTrex
- GPS: Fenix
- Headlight
- Taillight
- Ziplock bags (in case of rain)
- Spares and parts
- Chain lube
- General bike lube
- Rags
- Lock
- Shoe cleats
- Spokes? (unlikely to need, but I do have spares)
- On bike
- Shorts (2)
- Jerseys (3)
- Athletic socks (3)
- Sunglasses
- Helmet
- Gloves
- Gloves (cold weather)
- Shoes
- Heart rate monitor
- Cycling cap
- Off bike
- Underwear (4)
- Socks (4)
- T-shirts (4)
- Shorts (2)
- Sandals
- Jacket/fleece
- Sweatpants
- Rain jacket
- Swimsuit (where the hell is it?)
- Tent
- Thermarest
- Sleeping bag
- Pillow
- Chair
- Trash bags
- Duct tape
- Knife
- Phone
- Solar charger
- Battery pack (charged)
- Micro-USB cable (battery pack)
- Mini-USB cable (lights)
- Fenix cable
- iPhone cable
- Spare AAs
- Kindle (fully charged, all books loaded).
- Sunblock
- Lip balm
- Bandaids
- Advil
- Insect repellent
- Sample crap from running races
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Floss
- Soap
- Lotion
- Razor
- Deoderant
- Towel
- Partial TP roll (flat)
- Q-tips
- Wet wipes
Don’t take
- Apple Watch
- Camelbak
- Computer
- iPad
- Dedicated camera