Racking the porter and preparing for an ESB

There is a lot of brewery action happening here in Denver this weekend. The dunkelweizen I bottled 2 weeks ago is ready to drink, and appears to have turned out very well. Good carbonation and great head retention, with the right color and a very nice flavor. I’m quite happy with my first wheat beer.

Meanwhile, I racked the robust porter I brewed 3 weeks ago to its secondary fermenter, and I’m preparing to brew an all-grain ESB tomorrow.

The ESB is a recipe I developed based on the BJCP style guidelines and suggestions from Ray Daniels’s Designing Great Beers. I’m again going with a 50/50 mix of 2-row pale malt and Maris Otter, with about 7% of 40L caramel malt and 5% Munich malt for color.

I made the yeast starter this afternoon; this is the first time I get to use my stir plate from Stir Starters

Recipe (90 minute boil):





— Steve

Posted on 20 October 2012