Goals, January 2015
One month of 2015 has passed and I’ve made a good start to the year. January weather was mild and I tried to spend a lot of time outside.
I’m in the middle of training for a half marathon in March. I also somewhat foolishly signed up for a second half marathon two weeks after the first. The first race is the same one I did last year. It’s a hilly course, and I’m looking forward to learning how much I’ve improved. The second race is a new one, the Three Creeks Half Marathon, which is being held just down the road in Cherry Creek State Park.
I also ran the Yeti Chase 10k last weekend, and set a new personal best time of 53:27. I have a ways to go to get to my goal of 50 minutes, but a new best is a good start.
I only did a half dozen rides this month, but 100 miles isn’t bad for January. I took a couple short rides over long lunch breaks when the weather was nice, and I got one long 40 miler in on a weekend. And I got to work at 6:30 in the morning last Tuesday so I could skip out early and get 20 miles in on a sunny 70 degree afternoon. I’m really looking forward to longer days and later sunsets so I can do more riding after work.
On the weight loss side I set myself back a little over Christmas break, but that’s life. I started pushing the numbers back down again this month, and if I’m starting a little slow I’m also feeling very optimistic. We’ll see how the rest of winter goes.
Activity | 2015 Goal | January | To Date | Progress |
Running | 1,000 miles | 91 miles | 91 miles | 9% |
Cycling | 1,500 miles | 105 miles | 105 miles | 7% |
Weight Loss | 20 pounds | 2 pounds | 2 pounds | 10% |
— Steve
Posted on 31 January 2015