Goal update, August 2014
August is ending and so again I’ve summarized my progress on my 2014 goals. August was a good month for me. My little sister got married, I hit my 600 mile running goal, and I finally got below 200 pounds. I also brewed a batch of beer and bottled another. And I plan to bottle one more batch before the weekend is over. I packed a lot in.
With four months to go I am confident I’ll make my cycling goal before year’s end. I’m doubtful make my weight goal, but I’m thrilled with my recent progress. I noticed that I hit 104 miles running in both July and August. Fun, but I beat last month by three tenths of a mile. So there.
Activity | 2014 Goal | August | To Date | Progress |
Running | 600 miles | 104 miles | 653 miles | 109% |
Cycling | 1,000 miles | 130 miles | 671 miles | 67% |
Weight Loss | 40 pounds | 4 pounds | 17 pounds | 43% |
— Steve
Posted on 31 August 2014